The Aerospace & Defense Forum is a global aerospace and defense leadership community that provides opportunities for sharing of information and analysis, mutual support and encouragement, partnering, innovation, and performance breakthroughs.
The A&D Forum community currently consists of nine chapters and over 2500 industry senior executives and professionals who share news, information and analysis through this website and monthly chapter meetings. Members are A&D industry executives, senior business service providers, investors, government agencies, non-profit and professional associations, and entrepreneurs with a strong interest in the aerospace and defense industries.
If it lifts off the ground, it is an appropriate topic for the A&D Forum.
This website has the following resources:
– About Us: information about the A&D Forum and each of the chapters
– Meeting Notices: Information about A&D Forum chapter meetings
– Presentations: Information, recordings, and slides from over 200 monthly chapter meeting presentations
– Calendar: a calendar of A&D related events
– Resources: What’s New (short notices of timely interest), plus information of long-term value, such as an extensive A&D Resource List, A&D Company and Executive Profiles, member resumes, member services, articles, Newsletter archive, and Member Directory.
– FAQ: information concerning how to use the A&D Forum website
– Discussions: where members interact on various topics
– Join A&D Forum: where you can join The A&D Forum and renew your membership
– Member Log-in: Entry point to the website for A&D Forum members
– Join Chapter Mailing Lists: where you can join chapter mailing lists (free)
– Contact Us: to send a message to The A&D Forum main office.
Please contact Ivan Rosenberg with any questions or input regarding The Aerospace & Defense Forum or the website.