“Finding and Growing Technologies Using Technology”
Arizona Chapter October 14 meeting
Please join us in Phoenix on Tuesday, October 14, 2014, (networking at 7:00am, meeting 7:30–9:00am), when Paul Jackson, CEO & Managing Partner of Integrus Capital, will discuss how entrepreneurs, investors, and small to midsize companies can better understand the drivers of valuation and ways to manage their company or their investments to increase shareholder value.
Technology is changing the way investors, entrepreneurs and those holding intellectual property (“IP”) find each other, socialize, and create new products and companies. Breakthroughs in A/I make it possible for managers to understand the drivers of valuation, specifically in the area of IP valuation and early-stage investment valuation, two areas historically viewed as too complex to understand.
The meeting is free for A&D Forum members and $40 for non-members ($30 Early Bird until October 7). For more information and to register to attend the meeting, go to http://adfazoct14.eventbrite.com.
Click here for more information about and to join The Aerospace & Defense Forum.
The Arizona Chapter of The Aerospace & Defense Forum is led by individuals from Phoenix Logistics, KinetX Aerospace, the Greater Phoenix Economic Council, Tucson Regional Economic Opportunities, Greenberg Traurig, Snell & Wilmer, and Frontier Associates.
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