“The Anatomy of Problem Solving to Win”
Los Angeles Chapter meeting on February 16
Will you be broken by your challenges or will you conquer them and your industry in one masterstroke? The answer is entirely in how you generate new ideas, and successfully implementing the right idea.
The aerospace industry is currently facing a new wave of challenges and opportunities. New manufacturing tools, new markets, new competition, new government requirements, and new energy options will shape the aerospace industry with a higher tempo than we’re used to. To stay healthy in this business we need to focus on well-thought-out projects and implementing them effectively.
Join us in Los Angeles on Friday, February 16, 7:30–9:00am, when Armin T. Ellis, Ph.D., Founder, Exploration Institute will talk about the anatomy of a high quality problem solving strategy and the trends, and the pitfalls that most projects experience, and how to overcome them.
A second part will be interactive and focused on the real challenges and opportunities you’re working on, with an emphasis on how to survive the collision between the need to change for the long term and the immediate need to build predictability for a strong organization.
All participants are encouraged to have a project in mind that they’d like to work through during this presentation. Take a few moments to let Armin know what you’re working on via this link (https://www.exploration.institute/adforum).
The meeting is free for members & $40 for non-members. For more information and to register to attend the meeting go to http://adflafeb18.eventbrite.com.
Information about joining The A&D Forum is at https://aerospacedefenseforum.org.
The Los Angeles chapter of The Aerospace & Defense Forum is sponsored by Moss Adams, Jeffer, Mangels, Butler & Mitchell, InVista Associates, and the 62 Mile Club