“Land The Next A&D Contract –
Winning Business in the digital era”
AZ Chapter meeting in Phoenix on August 10
The traditional mix of GOOD ADVERTISING, GOOD VALUES, and GOOD PRODUCTS is no longer enough in a 21st-century world of an ‘always on’ marketplace. A huge marketing budget is no longer enough to take advantage of existing marketing channels and A&D companies increasingly have to re-skill and tailor new strategies to reach their customers.
The digital age and newer communication channels have altered how businesses market themselves and their products. Small businesses can have just as much power and reach as larger established companies on a now leveled playing field.
Join us in Phoenix on Thursday August 10, 2017 when Kyle Davis, Owner and Partner. BDN Aerospace Marketing will discuss the realities of today’s A&D marketing and branding challenges providing insight on the challenges, success stories and opportunities that the new era presents to businesses.
The meeting is free for members and guests ($30 Early Bird for non-members, $40 after August 3). For more information and to register to attend the meeting, go to http://adfazaug17.eventbrite.com.
Click here for more information about and to join The Aerospace & Defense Forum.
The Arizona Chapter of The A&D Forum is sponsored by Moss Adams and National Bank of Arizona.