OC Chapter meeting in Irvine on October 3
Please join us in Irvine on Thursday, October 3, 7:30–9:00am, when Michael G. Pollack, Global Senior Executive, Sales & Marketing | Business Development | Supply Chain will share extremely current views, and relatedly, market outcomes. Mike is uniquely positioned because he has been on both sides of the trench. Mike was a “Super Buyer” at UTC and earlier in his career worked for Ducommun to sell its product suites to companies like Airbus, Boeing and all the tier 1’s. The aerospace consolidation wave continues unabated. What’s working – or not?.
The meeting is free for members and $30 for non-members ($40 after September 26). Non-members may guest twice for free. Click here to register to attend the meeting.
Information about joining The A&D Forum is at https://aerospacedefenseforum.org.
The Orange County chapter is sponsored by .Moss Adams, Chubb, Bolton & Company, D.A. Davidson & Co. and InVista Associates.