“Finding & Financing Southern California A&D Companies”
OC Chapter meeting in Irvine on October 4
Join us in Irvine on Thursday, October 4, 7:30–9:00am, when an eminent panel will have an insightful conversation on private equity transactions and current environment of the sale and acquisitions of SoCal A&D businesses. John Hill (Moderator) (Managing Partner, JW Hill Capital) and the panelists, Brian Williams (Partner, Auctus Industries), Chris Taylor (Managing Director, Five Crowns Capital), Bryan Perkins (CEO & President, Novaria Group), and Cameron Reilly (Managing Director, Corridor Capital), all have multiple current portfolio businesses and will describe both opportunities and challenges in the current economic environment. Also to be discussed will be SoCal’s positioning within the A&D sector and potential growth of businesses with emerging M&A activity.
The meeting is free for members & $40 for non-members ($30 Early Bird until September 27). Non-members may guest twice for free. Click here to register to attend the meeting.
Information about joining The A&D Forum is at https://aerospacedefenseforum.org.
The Orange County chapter is sponsored by Moss Adams and InVista Associates.