1st Meeting of the Santa Clarita Valley Chapter meeting on September 19
Meeting Location: Dr. Dianne G. Van Hook University Center
UCEN Room 301
College of the Canyons, 26455 Rockwell Canyon Road, Valencia, CA 91355
Meeting Date: September 19, 2019
Meeting Time: Doors open at 7am, Meeting 7:30-9:00am
NASA has accepted the mandate to land U.S. astronauts on the Moon before the end of 2024, and the Artemis Program has been created to implement this challenge. It is a Moon to Mars program, and Congress has put forth a goal to NASA to send U.S. astronauts to Mars by 2033. NASA’s procurement strategy for these future human space flight developments has been to encourage commercial innovation and involvement through Broad Agency Announcements (BAAs), and the pace of selections for vehicle development has picked up to meet the faster timeline of the 2024 mandate.
Please join us in Valencia, CA, on Thursday, September 19, 7:30am–9:00am (breakfast and networking at 7:00am), when Humphrey (Hoppy) Price, Mars Program Chief Engineer, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, will describe the Moon and Mars architectures, a potential time frame for implementation, and how the Lunar missions could be extensible to Mars.
The meeting is free for all. For more information and to register to attend the meeting go to http://adfscvsep19.eventbrite.com.
Information about joining The A&D Forum is at https://aerospacedefenseforum.org.
This chapter meeting is sponsored by Hedman Partners, Certified Public Accountants. The Santa Clarita Valley chapter of The Aerospace & Defense Forum is sponsored by the Santa Clarita Valley Economic Development Corporation.