South Bay Chapter meeting in Torrance on August 14
Our job as business leaders is to create long term value. The challenge is building value despite the constant onslaught of change and disruption from advances in technology. How should leaders ensure their teams are not just aware of these trends but more importantly are effectively prepared?
Please join us in Torrance on Wednesday, August 14, 7:30–9:00am, when Larry O’Toole, Founder, Yosemite Associates, will present a session designed to help executives take away the uncertainty of steps they can take now to move their organizations from awareness to preparedness in navigating technological trends. Participants will leave the session with actionable insights, including proven templates, they can use to have meaningful planning discussions with their teams.
Session Outline
• Situational awareness & operational effectiveness
• Relevant learnings from the 2008 financial crisis
• Understanding the technology versus the strategic impact
• Impact on company enterprise value enablers
• Is your strategic plan effectively addressing trends
• Taking away the uncertainty of how to prepare
• Introduction of planning tools/templates
The meeting is free for A&D Forum Individual Members and Corporate Members, and $40 for Non-members ($30 Early Bird until August 7). Guests may attend for free for a max of two chapter meetings. Register to attend at:
The South Bay Chapter is hosted by California Manufacturing Technology Consulting and sponsored by Moss Adams, Chubb, and Bolton & Company.