AZ Chapter meeting in Phoenix on January 24
Meeting location: Spencer Fane LLP
2415 E Camelback Road, Suite 600, Phoenix, AZ 85016-4288
Meeting Date: Thursday, January 24, 2019
Meeting Time:
Networking: 5:00pm-5:30pm
Meeting: 5:30pm-7:00pm
Efficient and cost-effective deployment of software intensive cyber physical systems (CPS) in military aircraft remains one of most complex and challenging issues facing Government Program Managers. Current tools and methodologies are not adequate for the development and certification of CPS as they create affordability and schedule dilemmas for current and future programs. This is due to poor requirement definition and the inability to identify and document hazards created by complex hardware/software interactions.
New technologies, particularly advances in model-based engineering and tooling show great promise for correcting these challenges and improving the safety and airworthiness approvals for CPS. Unfortunately, Model Based System Engineering (MBSE) processes and tools are challenging the bounds of current Government business and acquisition practices creating a dilemma for the development and fielding of future Military Aircraft.
Please join us in Phoenix on Thursday, January 24, 5:30–7:00pm (networking at 5:00pm), when Stephen M. Simi, Vice President, Program Manager of Military Aviation Programs, Tucson Embedded Systems, Inc., will present a vision with options for embracing MBSE practices; suggesting how the Government could use MB tooling and process improvements to optimize cost, schedule and improve the safety of Warfighting capabilities embedded within DoD military aircraft. His presentation will suggest how to reuse these capabilities during their flight certification efforts across the Aviation fleet resulting in advanced integration schedules and improved interoperability between systems.
The meeting is free for A&D Forum and AZTC members ($30 for non-members). Guests may attend twice for free. For more information and to register to attend the meeting, go to
Click here for more information about and to join The Aerospace & Defense Forum.
The Arizona Chapter of The A&D Forum is sponsored by National Bank of Arizona and InVista Associates.
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