“Myths and Realities in the Fight for America’s Future”
San Diego Chapter April 25, 2013 meeting
Conventional wisdom, popularized by the 1972 Club of Rome Report, holds that there are Limits to Growth for the world. A few years earlier, in 1965 Moore’s Law was enunciated. Since then we have had the demise of the Soviet Union, the Arab Spring and burgeoning nuclear programs in North Korea and Iran.
Please join us on Thursday, April 25, 2013, 7:30am – 9:00am PST, when Linden Blue, Vice-Chairman of General Atomics, will discuss whether we are on a new road to serfdom, a road to Armageddon, or a road to a new era of world prosperity and peace. A lot will depend on the “operating system” we choose.
The meeting will consist of Mr. Blue’s presentation and opportunities for open group discussion and networking.
For more information see the file “Invitation to A&D Forum (SD) (April 2013)”.
The meeting is free. Click here to register to attend the meeting. Click here to register to access the WebEx live stream.
Information about joining The A&D Forum is at https://aerospacedefenseforum.org.
The San Diego chapter was founded by Frontier Associates and Sheppard Mullin.